Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What I've Been Up To

I'd like to apologize for not posting for the past week of so, I've gotten wrapped up in a few things.

The first is the website for my Pern club, 11th Pass Pern, which I did a complete site overhaul for. I've also been working on other stuff related to said club. My fellow BOD member there just left for a vacation to London, so we wanted to transition the site over to the new Wiki format, get some new graphics, bang out some storylines, etc.

The second is a Pern club that I'm a part of Triad Weyrs, that I likewise wanted to get a bunch of storylines out quickly.

I also borrowed a few animes from Ray and Maggie, including RahXephon, which I watched as a much younger geekling, but keep thinking of recently. I admit, nowadays I consider myself a bit too adult for anime, but there are still a few that I have a softspot for: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop and Crest of the Stars to name a few.

What else? I spent two days of my week job hunting for the most part, and try to fit some house cleaning in there as well. Aaron and I both cooking is a double-edged sword - on one hand, it's nice, but on the other hand McDonald's would be a whole heckuva lot less dishes for me to do. I hate dishes.

One thing I've experimented a lot with recently is Salmon. We got a giant bag of frozen Alaskan Salmon after attending the Alton Brown experience last month, and I've been experimenting with various ways to prepare it. My favorite thus far is Kelsey Nixon's "en papillote" technique, largely because no Geek Kitchen should ever be without rice, soy sauce and ginger. If you don't have Toasted Sesame Oil, or Rice Wine Vinegar, you can just mince a clove of garlic for each fishy and that's equally delicious. In the near future, I intend on attempting Alton Brown's Recipe for Salmon en Papillote, but that would actually require me to go to the store to purchase a lot of those ingredients. Beyond that, I hate Anise so I am not 100% sold on liking Fennel. The good part about this technique is that it's very low in the amount of dishes dirtied in the process.

I should be back to more or less regular updates sometime soon, and I have a few good blog posts brewing in the back of my mind. So stay tuned!

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