Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Blog?

This certainly is not my first attempt at the thing people know as "blogging" - not by a longshot. I think that I have probably started at least 10 or so blogs in my time on the internet, some of which I maintained for a while, and others that I wrote one post and then promptly forgot about them.

They've failed for many reasons. With some of them the focus was too small, and as a result it limited the amount of content that I could produce for it. I would get ideas outside of my focus, but wouldn't post them because it wasn't the place. Or maybe I'd start a second and third blog for the one-off posts, and then never touch them again. With others, I would start them about one topic (like WoW) and then lose interest in that topic. As a result, this blog's focus will be a combination of many things that I have interest in, from Video Games to Tabletop/Card Games, to Cooking, etc.

What motivates me to start now? I think one of the biggest things is being at PAX. I feel revitalized in my geekiness, and I see how many people there are nowadays that are interested in the same things that I am. Also, there is extremely limited internet here, so the ideas for blogs that I have are getting carefully filed away in Notepad documents to help me overcome days when I have writer's block (which will be plentiful). Obviously, one key to keeping readers is to ensure that content updates are regular. Having a few posts to get me started right off the bat will be beneficial.

Another reason for starting this is because more and more companies are looking for social media people. That is, people who understand and participate in blogging, Facebook, Twitter, etc. This sounds like a cool career option, but one that I will need to put some effort into developing a portfolio for.

So we'll see how this goes.

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